Directions, or how to find your way to our location

We strongly recommend using public transport. Please scroll down for more details and directions!

Public transport!

Our location is in the center of the Cologne South Quarter ("Südstadt"). Just like anything that can be found in the center of anything, it's not the best way to approach by car. If you already know Cologne, you know what we mean. But luckily we have an excellent public transport system.

Our Address

Spybrain | Kartäuserwall 53 | 50678 Cologne, Germany

By public transport

Recommended method! You already know that.

Best choose tram lines 15 und 16, which both stop at "Chlodwigplatz" station and "Ulrepforte" station.

Getting off at Chlodwigplatz: walk into the direction of the big square with the old city gate. Approaching the city gate turn to the left, you're already on our little road, Kartäuserwall. Just a few minutes of walking, and you're there! Our location will be on the left side of the road.

Getting off at Ulrepforte: walk into the direction of the old castle tower at the corner of the big streets. Pass by the tower and immediately turn right. You're already on our road, Kartäuserwall. Walk on straight for one or two minutes, and our location will be on the right.

By car

Please note that our road "Kartäuserwall" is a one-way road. You can only approach us driving from east to west. You may leave your car in front of our rooms, however we cannot guarantee that those spaces are free.

Please take into account the time for finding a parking lot - make sure your team arrives on time at our location so you can enjoy your full game.

Parking lots?

That's a difficult question around here. There is a platform where people can rent out their own private parking spaces for a certain timeframe and a reasonable price. Check out "Ampido":

Ampido: enter "Kartäuserwall" in Cologne to find the nearest parking spaces